Everyone does and says as much as he has understood.
Whenever we proceed from the known into the unknown
we may hope to understand,
but we may have to learn at the same time
a new meaning of the word "understanding".
-Werner Heisenberg
Ultimately, man's intellect demands that his surroundings,
both life and matter, shall be intelligible;
his mind demands order, rationality, logical explanation.
It cannot love in a chaos without suffering;
it must know and understand, if it is to exist in peace.
-A. E. Powell
To understand is hard.
Once you understand it is easy.
-Sun Yat-Sen
Understanding reduces the greatest to simplicity,
and the lack of it causes the least to take on the magnitude.
-Raymond Holliwell
When we understand a particular thing
we become conscious of its qualities.
-Christian Larson
To understand is to perceive patterns.
-Isaiah Berlin
No mind really understands new ideas
until its thinking concerning these ideas
has been reduced to a system.
-Christian Larson
The growth of understanding
follows an ascending spiral rather than a straight line.
-Joanna Field
You don't understand anything
until you learn it more than one way.
-Marvin Minsky
We see nothing truly
till we understand it.
-John Constable
A criteria for having understanding 
is that you must desire understanding.
-Mike Dooley
To understand takes no time.
-Zen Saying
It is looking at things for a long time
that ripens you and gives you a deeper understanding.
-Vincent van Gogh
Understanding requires insight.
Insight must be anchored.
-Brian Greene
A man only understands what is akin
to something already existing inside himself.
-Henri Amiel
Things have to be experienced in order to be understood,
experienced with every fibre of one's being.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Real understanding does not come from what we learn in books;
it comes from what we learn from love of nature, of music, of man.
For only what is learned in that way is truly understood.
-Pablo Casals
To understand life,
all you need to do is study what comes your way.
-Vernon Howard
Much learning does not teach understanding.
Knowing is not understanding.
There is a great difference between knowing a thing and understanding it.
You can know a lot about something and not really understand it.
-Charles Kettering
If you want to truly understand something,
try to change it.
-Kurt Lewin
It is difficult to get a man to understand something
when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.
-Upton Sinclair
What we do not understand
we do not possess.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
And it's inside myself
that I must create someone who will understand.
-Clarice Lispector
To me it's a matter of first understanding
that which may not be put to words.
-William Carlos Williams
Just because we don't understand
doesn't mean that the explanation doesn't exist.
-Madeline L'Engle
Those who understand only what can be explained
understand very little.
-Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
In what we really understand,
we reason but little.
-William Hazlitt
We understand more than we know.
-Margaret Atwood
Understanding can overcome any situation,
however mysterious or insurmountable it may appear to be.
-Norman Vincent Peale
To understand everything is to hate nothing.
-Romain Rolland
Sooner or later each person must find right expression
for what he has understood.
-Rodney Collin
Whatever we understand we express clearly
and words flow with ease.
-Nicholas Boileau
Then you understand it so totally
that you are finished with it.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
The noblest pleasure
is the joy of understanding.
-Leonardo da Vinci
The aim remains: to understand the world.
-John Bell
Don't insist on understanding new things,
but try with your whole self,
with patience, effort and method, 
to comprehend obvious truths.
-Simone Weil
To understand an ancient question.
bring it into the present time.
-William S. Burroughs
To fully understand,
one has to sit down and wait for the universe to enter.
-Brian Swimme
In the most secret part of the understanding,
the simple eye is ever open.
It contemplates and gazes at the Light
with a pure sight that is lit by the Light itself:
eye to eye, mirror to mirror, image to image.
-John van Ruysbroeck
Understanding swallows you up.
-Carl Jung
Understanding is a kind of ecstasy.
-Carl Sagan
Their naked understanding is penetrated with eternal clarity
as the air is penetrated by the light of the sun.
-John van Ruysbroeck
Whoever rises to pure understanding
becomes that which he understands.
-Johannes Scotus Eriugena
Understand yourself
and you will understand everything.
-D. T.  Suzuki
When you understand one thing through and through,
you understand everything.
-Shunyru Suzuki
Give me understanding and I shall live.
-Kahlil Gibran